By the intended of a young friend of ours - a rather quiet young man, actually.A while ago D_____ had this idea to have his sister, a pilot, take us flying. Sounded like fun. So, on Saturday, October 6, we went to Eucharistic Adoration at church and then headed to the airport for our plane ride. He was unusually excited, but he’s crazy about planes, so it seemed like him. There we were flying around town looking for my house from the sky. After a while, I spotted the neighbors’ house, and then moved my eyes just a bit to see mine…but something was VERY different about my backyard. There, in huge red letters on my lawn: “MARRY ME?”It turns out this enterprising young man had been engineering this for several months, enlisting the entire families of the bride and groom and a large number of red tablecloths.
I certainly hope someone thought to get a photo from the air.