1. Go into your archive.
2. Find your 23rd post (or closest to it).
3. Find the 5th sentence (or closest to it).
4. Post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions.
Well, here's a link to that post. The sentence is: "Now, thanks to the passage of many years and the counsel of wise friends, I've grown to see it much differently."
I liked revisiting this post. It's a snapshot of a period in which God was doing a bit of an interior overhaul and, in the words of a good friend, preparing me for "the surprises of the Holy Spirit."
"But this morning, it reminds me of when I started back to daily Mass after a long, confused, sinful absence."
I counted the 23rd post in our Exultet blog (leaving behind my time at Santificarnos) and I was talking about another Mass attender who I overheard saying "This is the Lammagod!" It made me smile at the time, and she's still saying it now and making me smile.
This exercise in nostalgia reminds me that I am still going to daily Mass, still learning and growing, still learning to love Jesus through His children, and that I am truly His child.
Thank God!