For those of you unfamiliar with the story, Rather attempted a 60 Minutes expose' of alleged shortcomings in President Bush's National Guard record based on documents that now appear to be thinly-veiled forgeries. The typescript of the memos is consistent with having been created in Microsoft Word rather than on the typewriters available at the time. This was discovered, not by the vaunted and anonymous experts cited as authenticators by CBS, but by bloggers who did a little detective work of their own and published the results. This uppitiness does not make MSM smile.
What's fun about this is that CBS continues, as of this writing, to defend the authenticity of the documents against a proponderance of evidence. And what's most fun about that is the appearance of commentary like this:
Well, I can't measure up to the credentials of the lawyers, professors, scientists and the like, but I certainly can blog in my pajamas. What a party! If you want to join in, just visit And get a comfortable pair of slippers.
Oh, this is fun. Hope you're lucky enough to link before it gets pulled.