I want as many people to like me as possible, but I'm not sure whether a relationship with "=?utf-8?q?Harriot Aobulet?=" is one that I'm eager to pursue. For one thing, it isn't a name that is frequently found around these parts, and I'm reluctant to begin a meaningful friendship over the Internet with someone I'm unlikely to ever be able to meet. And our educational levels are probably too divergent. I mean, I don't even know what "=?utf-?q?e" means! I'd be afraid that my inferior intellect would doom any meaningful dialogue even before it began.
Budgie, on the other hand, sounds like someone I'd like to get to know. His name has that cute charm that one might expect to find in the writings of P.G. Wodehouse. And he certainly appears to be blessed with an energetic "get-up-and-go", demonstrated by his considerable eagerness to share his good fortune with me, even to skipping the cumbersome step of spell-checking his messages. I can't say I've ever coveted a Rolex, but I do have a certain admiration for entrepreneurial spirit.
There is yet another obstacle to any possibility of meaningful interaction with all these warm and generous parties who keep reaching out to me. At heart, I confess, I'm an old-fashioned girl. And I can't seem to find any mutual friends to perform the requisite introductions. Oh dear. Perhaps I'll write to Mr. Wodehouse for his recommendations.
My advice is to steer clear of anyone named "Budgie". And my advice to Budgie is to stay away from the brown acid, to borrow a Woodstock reference.