Got this good idea from Jen at Conversion Diary. Put random remarks together under an appropriate title, and voila! A blog post.(1) Even though it's a thinly disguised way to increase the information and profit they extract from me, I'm grateful to Amazon for giving me that little "Add to Wish List" button to stick on my toolbar. In the last few days I've added Monastery Mustard, Rosary Bracelets, an "I'm Blogging This" t-shirt, what looks like an exceptional hymnal and the collected play-by-plays of the legendary Bob Ufer.
(2) Every year I resolve to finish my Christmas shopping well ahead of time. This year would be a particularly advantageous time to follow through, because a greater proportion of my gifts will need to be mailed than usual. So why is it that finding the exactly appropriate gift for someone, a solid sense of what the budget ought to be, and the willingness to commit to one choice or another all seem to withhold themselves until December 17?
(3) I've never done this before, but I just opened a special bank account into which I intend to squirrel money for special outlays like recreational travel. Somehow it makes a big psychological difference that the money is completely separate from that mish-mash that is our main account, and all the accounting tricks, mental reservations and budget discussions in the world wouldn't accomplish what seeing that little amount grow bit by bit will do for me and my resolve. So returnable bottle revenues (unless my stepdaughter gets to the bottles first), the results of little sacrifices, perhaps my paltry but esteem-enhancing profits from doing business in Second Life -- that's where they'll go, earning me interest and a certain amount of glee.
(4) I note with some distress that my first 3 items are centered around shopping and money. Perhaps that's enough flirtation with the root of all evil for now.
Laughed at your first and last line. You have discovered another facet of the wonder of blogging - flexibility! It can do things that ordinary writing cannot simply by calling a post "Quick Takes"! (I do it all the time.)