- A list of 4-star movies coming up on television
- A thorough compilation of online movie reviews. Always my first stop when I'm going to a movie or renting.
- A quick scriptural meditation -- updated daily.
- Latest monologue zingers from Leno, Letterman, et al.
- Random lists . . . I don't know how to describe this. Check it out for yourself.
- A compilation of past Superbowl commercials.
- The best test of your covetousness level I can imagine.
- A good case for simplifying your work style. From Jugglezine, Herman Miller's excellent online work/life magazine.
- The best way to cook poultry.
- A guide to picking a marriage counselor.
- And finally, a treat for those of you much younger than I.
11 hours ago
You know, that religious tattoos site was very helpful on my road to getting a tattoo :op you sure you want to encourage such behavior in youngsters such as myself? hehe
Even scarier: I'm definitely bookmarking the marriage counselor article ;o)