Be sure to check all the way to the bottom. Some of you come out of this with an assignment.
* * * * *
What I was doing 10 years ago: Wife of one, mother of three teens/tweens, full-time graduate school, so busy that it was just school and family, no social, little spiritual, less personal life, little time with friends. Having a ball, generally.
5 years ago: Nursing husband with cancer, working very, very full time in human resources at an auto manufacturer.
1 year ago: Working for major aircraft manufacturer in a distant city, enjoying new experiences including living alone for the first time in my life, growing in a new affectionate attachment.
Yesterday: Resting during recuperation phase from significant but non-risky surgery, keeping house clean to show to prospective buyers, indulging in sloth, one of my besetting sins.
5 Snacks I enjoy:
Ham and cream cheese on bagel
White nectarines
Frozen grapes
Cold pizza
5 songs I know all the words to:
Amazing Grace
You Make Me Feel Like a Natural Woman
Credo (Third Day)
Song of Thanks
5 things I would do with $100 million dollars:
Keep it a secret from all but closest confidantes
Wipe out parish’s building debt and make mongo donation to local pregnancy center
Set up educational trusts for offspring and offspring’s offspring
Spend one month in
Invest the rest and live on the income, giving things away whenever I felt like it
5 locations to which I would like to run:
See immediately above, also
5 bad habits I have:
Exaggerating for effect
Interrupting others when I get excited
Self-indulgence (ergo, this meme)
Computer solitaire
5 things I like doing: (all of you know spending time with the Lord is a *given*)
Interesting conversation
Watching good television
5 things I would never wear:
A thong
Colored contact lenses
4-inch stiletto heels
A gun
Anything chartreuse
5 TV shows I like:
The Choices We Face
Whose Line is it Anyway
The Cosby Show
5 biggest joys of the moment:
Contemplating upcoming grandmotherhood
Enjoying my children
The object of my affectionate attachment
Having accomplished a presumably impossible task
Living in a well-ordered and attractive home
5 favorite toys:
Knitting needles
Cell phone
5 next victims:
Kathy the goat egg gatherer
Debbie, if she still has a blog to do it on
Soon, soon. It's hard to beat your "five things you won't wear."
A thong! A gun!