
I found this delightful item on a weaver's webpage.
"This is a cursed bookmark. I was reading about medieval book curses, and couldn't resist this example - it's just too good. The original was written in a book in 1172, at the Abbey of Saints Mary and Nicholas of Arnstein. The text of the original has been changed only to reflect the group I made it for, which is called Stargate.
The ribbon reads: 'Liber Stargate. quem si quis abstuelrit, morte moriatur, in sartagine coquatur, cadacus morbus instet eum et febres, et rotatur, et suspendatur, amen.' Which translates to: 'Book of Stargate. Whoever steals it, let him die the death, let him be fried in a pan, let the fever and the falling sickness [epilepsy] sieze him, let him be broken upon the wheel, and hanged. amen.' They were serious about their books."
That is certainly reprehensible. If it wasn't books they were talking about I could almost hold them accountable.